Wednesday, December 13, 2006

22laser Stretch Mark Removal%22

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Preventing Stretch Marks: An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

by Low Jeremy

Stretch marks are never a pretty sight. They may cause insecurities among those that have them – especially women. Unfortunately, unlike other types of scars and skin imperfections, stretch marks are pretty hard to get rid of. Given this, it certainly follows that stretch marks are better avoided than treated. And in this case, the old adage certainly applies: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Stretch marks are formed when the skin around an area is stretched beyond its elasticity. This then causes the skin to produce collagen on the stretched skin to cope. When the area then returns to its normal size, the stretched skin plus collagen form a purplish scar like formation that look pretty much like a keloid.

This condition is common among mothers since their skin around the hips, tummy and thighs suddenly expand during pregnancy. Since the skin cannot cope with the stretching that then takes place, stretch marks form. However, stretch marks are not exclusive to mothers, they also occur in people that suddenly gain weight, and people with dry skin or skin that is not elastic.

Here are a few ways to prevent stretch marks from forming and some commonly available treatments to combat this skin condition.

1. Moisturizers. For people with dry skin moisturizers are a must to avoid stretch marks. If the skin lacks elasticity, the body is more likely to produce extra collagen and form the stretch mark. Shea butter has been proven to be a great intensive moisturizing treatment.

You could also help moisturize your skin by refraining from wiping yourself vigorously with a towel after a shower. What you should do is gently pat your skin dry in the bath. Better yet, you could pat yourself slightly and let the moisture seep into your skin and evaporate naturally. You could also spray on moisturizing oil while you are glistening moist in the bath.

2. Diet. A proper diet makes the body healthy. That includes the skin as well. While you may not really notice it, the secret to glowing, supple, elastic skin is proper diet and hydration. Make sure you take a good amount of water everyday to keep yourself from being dehydrated. If you are dehydrated, then your skin suffers as well.

Also avoid diuretics and other substances that could harm your skin. Coffee and caffeinated drinks are some of the greatest offenders against skin health –so are tea, smoking, and other substances that cause dehydration and poor blood oxygen levels.

Gorge on vegetables and fruits that are high in vitamins A, C, and E, which are powerful antioxidants that can help reverse the effects of free-radicals on your skin. Moreover, such vitamins help keep smooth and healthy skin and reduce the chance that stretch marks could appear.

3. Exercise and Massage. Exercise helps promote better circulation and overall skin health. More blood means better nutrition for the skin. And better nutrition for the skin is healthier, suppler skin that is less likely to develop stretch marks. Massage also helps keep the skin supple; coupled with massage oils, could increase the elasticity of the skin.

Conclusion While maintaining healthy skin certainly improves your chances against developing stretch marks, it pays to remember that this skin condition is also affected by many factors such as genetics, some ailments, and environmental factors. But with healthier skin, you can at least reduce the incidence of stretch marks dramatically.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on stretch marks prevention, please visit

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